Aug 27, 2020
this weeks we find out reasons for so many things, why did Bill get destroyed by Chrissy, why is there a meteor heading to earth, why are there rumors about Mick, why should space force get ready... honestly there's a lot so take a break from the stress and laugh with us.
plus, whats the greatest soundtrack of all...
Aug 20, 2020
someone on the show finally got a bidet and its a real game changer. plus, the results of our Tinder experiment are in, the trash talk heats up for the Wii Tennis Championship, a skit so wrong HR intervenes, do you have any ice pops, hanging out with Chrissy, its ok to hate and so much more
in the news, hot or...
Aug 13, 2020
this week we experiment with Tinder and create profiles for Chrissy & Bill. we come up with odd but honest bios for them. How different will their experiences be? how many creeps are out there? Will Bill get a single match?
plus, Chrissy's 2 year anniversary, you don't need your mouth to blow out candles, the...
Aug 6, 2020
there's a double standard when it comes to how the world thinks ladies should behave & this week we expose it... ok, its more like we question what makes a skank because someone witnessed what can only be described as the start of a devils threesome on the side of the road.
plus, things to help you fall asleep, a new...